Lip Augmentation in Miami, FL

Revitalize your appearance and achieve the perfect pout you’ve always desired with lip augmentation in Miami, Florida. At Constructive Surgery, we offer safe and effective lip augmentation procedures that are tailored to your unique needs. With our board-certified expert surgeon, Dr. Christopher Salgado, you can trust that you are in the hands of an experienced professional who is committed to delivering natural-looking results.

Procedure Types

Lip augmentation procedures can be performed in various ways to achieve your desired outcome. The procedure types include the following:

Lip Fillers

Non-surgical lip augmentation using dermal fillers. This involves injecting hyaluronic acid-based fillers into the lips, creating a plumper and more defined appearance. This procedure is non-invasive and requires no downtime.

Lip Lift

A long upper lip may occur with the aging process or from birth and is often used to enhace the appearance of the upper lip with or without the addition of lip fillers. The incision used is known as a “bull-horn” lip lift and is concealed under the nostrils and columella readily and may be an option for you.

Meet Our Expert Surgeon

At Constructive Surgery, our lip augmentation and modification procedures are performed by Dr. Christopher Salgado, a renowned board-certified surgeon with expertise in rhinoplasty and various cosmetic procedures. Dr. Salgado is dedicated to delivering natural-looking results that enhance your facial features. With his exceptional skills and attention to detail, you can be confident in achieving the aesthetic appearance you desire.

The Procedure

During the lip augmentation procedure, Dr. Christopher Salgado begins by thoroughly numbing the treatment area to ensure your comfort. For non-surgical lip augmentation with fillers, he carefully injects the dermal fillers into specific areas of your lips to achieve the desired volume and shape. This process typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the extent of augmentation.

For surgical lip lift, Dr. Salgado makes incisions at the base of the nose and decreases the length from the nose to the upper lift which rejuvenates the upper lip and makes the appearance more youthful and feminine.


After lip augmentation, it’s important to follow proper post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. The initial recovery period typically lasts around one to two weeks. During this time:

  • Driving
    It is recommended to avoid driving immediately after the procedure, as you may experience swelling and tenderness around the lips, which can affect your ability to focus.
  • Return to Work
    Depending on the extent of the procedure and personal comfort, most individuals are able to return to work within a few days to a week. However, it’s important to discuss your specific circumstances with Dr. Salgado for personalized advice.
  • Exercise
    It is advisable to avoid intense physical activities and exercise for at least one to two weeks following the surgery to allow proper healing.

Financing and Payment Options

At Constructive Surgery, we understand that the cost of lip augmentation may be a consideration for some individuals. We offer various financing and payment options to ensure that you can achieve your desired results without financial stress. Our team can provide you with detailed information and assist you in selecting an option that suits your budget.

Working Hours

Experience reconstructive excellence with our skilled surgeon, available Mon-Fri for aesthetic surgeries.

Monday - Friday

9AM - 5PM

Saturday - Sunday


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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, lip fillers are safe when performed by a qualified and experienced professional such as Dr. Christopher Salgado. He uses FDA-approved fillers and follows strict safety protocols to minimize any risks.

Yes, lip modification can help correct lip asymmetry and aging by decreasing the distance between the nostrils and upper lips, creating a more balanced and harmonious appearance.

The results of non-surgical lip augmentation with fillers usually last from eight months to one year, depending on the specific filler used.

Ready for Fuller Lips? Book Your Consultation Now!

With the expertise of Dr. Christopher Salgado and the advanced techniques used at Constructive Surgery, you can confidently enhance the appearance of your lips. Whether you choose non-surgical lip fillers or surgical lip lift, the final results will leave you with a natural-looking and beautiful smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards the lips you’ve always wanted.

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